The Wall Street Journal from New York, New York (2024)

PAGE THE WALL STREET JOURNAL FRIDAY MORNING, JAN. 96, 1800. RANGE OF PRICES. The following gives the highest, lowest and last prices of all the stocks dealt in for the day; also the gain or loss compared with the previous business day. Sales, High.

Low. Last. Ch'ges 160 Am Car 121 350 Am car Found pfd. 60 60 60 200 American Cotton 334 831 881- 400 Amer.can Steel Hoop. 42 42 42 200 American Hoop 81g 81 1350 American lee 394 884 330 American Linseed Oil.

144 144 1 100 Am Linseed Oil 544 544 541 900 American 6 6 6 935 American 384 38 300 Amer Smelting 884 888 858. 8410 Amer Steel 50 49 303 Am Steel Wire pfd. 901 904 90g 18950 American 1178 1164 100 American Tin 29 29 29 6690 American 1005 99 991- 850 41 404 600 Atchison Top Fe. 20 198 12360 Atch Top Fe pid. 61f 61 1200 Baltimore Ohio.

5:8 58 5050 Baltimore Ohio pid. 758 754 21245 Brooklyn Rapid Tran. 73 8 1415 Brooklyn Union 1454 1464 148 1135 Brunswick 169 159 1900 Chesapeake 30 291 2095 Chicago Bur Quincy 123 1224 1 1852 Chicago Great Wes ern 189 134 134 300 Chicago Gt pfd 414 40 40 100 Chicago Term 109 104 104. 400 Cleve Cin Chic St L. 614 61 61 400 Cleve Lorain Wheel.

,74 17 4 400 Cleve Lorain ptd. 524 524 550 Colorado Fuel Iron. 43 43 43 148 Col Fuel Iron 1991 1299 1991 100 Colorado Midland pfd. 23 23 23 10. Colorado 59 58 110 Colorado So Ist pfd.

44 44 44 600 Continental 324 32 32 501 Delaware 115g 115 115g 1070 Delaware Lack West 175 175 175 -14 510 Den Rio Grande pid 697 694 353 Erie Telegraph Tel. 1031 103 110 Evansville Terre H. 44 44 44 5935 Federal 52 518 514 1755 Federal Steel pfd. 74 734 73, 100 General 1231 1234 1200 Glucose Refining 554 534 536 690 Great Northern 1669 1664 1664- 210 Hocking Valley. 324 32 645 Illinois Central.

1144 1144 1000 luternational 107 10 335 Iowa 128 124 124 200 Iowa Central 53 524 53 200 Kan City 84 84 .300 Laclede 794 79 79 100 Lake Erie 84 847 844 10150 Louisville Nashville 81 6020 Manhattan 94g 934 94 8760 Metropolitan St 171 1698 1 200 Mexican 12 12 12 100 Mexican National etfs. 44 700 Minneap St 591 59 100. Minn St 2d 92 92 92 5070 Missouri 488 484 200 National 364 364 291 National Lead 105 1041 650 National Steel 418 41 41 227 National Steel 93 93 93 370 New Jersey 1169 2435 2845 New Norfolk York 134g 134 134 254 954 700 Norfolk West 704 4500 North 154 148 15 8960 Northern 511 514 960 Northern Pacific 741 748 4000. ocence Ranific Mail Steamship 44 48 a Decatur de 94 21 1846 Pennsylvania 1994 1294 630 Pitta st 93 98 93 2660 People's Gas of 1054 1044 1044 210 Pressed Steel 564 564 561 220 Pressed Steel Car pfd. 874 879 871 210 Pullman 1894 1887 1881 654 Reading 1st preferred.

51 509 300 Reading 2d preferred. 272 278 272 600 Republic Steel Iron. 214 202 901- 2510 Rock Island. 250 St Louis San 94 94 94 110 St Fran ist pfd. 68 68 68 180 St de San Fran 2d pfd 338 338 600 St Louis Southwestern 124 112 225 St Louis 28 271 974 7935 St 1194 1188 119 11125 Southern 884 388 1400 Southern 119 115 1320 Southern Railway pfd.

548 544 1010 Tennessee Coal Iron 85 85 1300 Texas Pacitic. 16 154 159 117 Texas Pacific Land T. 124 124 4930 Third 118 1164 1169 200 Twin City Rap Tr pfd 138 137 168 100 Union Bag 22 22 22 13800 Union 471 478 1931 Union Pacific 259 754 754 7020. United States Leather. 164 16 700 8 Leather 764 764 425 United States Rubber.

40 40 40 200 Wabash 78 74 7- 200 Wabash 21 2 750 Western Union. 87 864 864 800 Wheeling Lake Erie 104 200 Wheel 1st 52 528 472 Wheel 2d 961 27 Advance. -Decline. THE LOAN MARKET. Atchison pid.

3 C.C.C. St 3 Delaware 20 People's Gas. 00 Teun Coal Iron. 3 3 Western Union 8 Southern Ry Gen Electric. Lace 8 Mi souri Pac.

Louisville co Central. Jersey 3 Baltimore 8 Northern Balto Ohio pid. 8 Nor Pac 8 8 Rubber 3 Rock Island. Brooklyn Rap Tran. 8 St 00 Federal steel 8 Bugar.

Federal Steel 8 Un Pac com. 20 Consolidated 8 Un Pac pid. 03 Metropolitan co Amer Nadional Lead. 8 Manhattan. cO Southern 8 8 STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS.

The listing committee of the Stock Exchange has listed the following: Nashville, Chattanooga St. Louis first solidated 5. bonds, $40,000 additional. New York, New Haven Hartford Railroad, $1,000.000 additional $1,448,000 capital stock issued. with the lege of listing more as Sherman, Shreveport Southern Railway, $1,100,000 first mortgage 50-year gold bonds.

Norfolk Western Railway $90,000 first consolidated 4. gold bonds, with the privilege of listing $3,786,000 additional as issued. Union Pacific $111,400 preferred stock additional and $44,600 common stock additional. Pere Marquette Railroad $14,145,500 common stock and $10,162,200 non-cumulative preferred stock, with the privilege of listing additional stock, as issued prior to October 1, 1900, not to exceed in the agregate $16,000,000 common stock and 000,000 preferred stock. American Thread Co.

$5,798,000 first mortgage 20-year collateral trust 44 gold bonds of 1919. Mr. Oliver A. Olinsted has been admitted to the Stock Exchange firm of John F. Harris Co.

of Chicago. rthur Whitney has been elected a member Exchange. CLOSING BID AND ASKED PRICES. Bid. Asked.

Adams 116 Ana Copper 401 404 Am Car 194 134 Am Car Foun pf 59 Am Cot Oil com 334 34 Am Cot Oil pfd. 93 94 Am 150 Am Hoop com. 424 Am Hoop 80 81 Amer Ice com. 40 Amer Ice 724 734 Am 148 Am Linseed pid 544 544 Am Malt 58 6 Am Malt 97 28 Am Smelt com. 387 Am Smelt 88 884 Am com 49 491 Am pfd.

904 904 Am Sugar com .1 69 117 Am Sugar 1124 114 Am Tobacco 994 998 Am Tob 135 140 Am Tin com. 28 298 Am Tin 80 818 Ann 16 18 Ann Arbor pfd. 43 45 Atchison 18 Atchison Balt 0 5 Bait 0 8 Bklyn Rap Tran B'klyn Un Gas. 149 150 Can 944 954 Canada 48 60 Chesa 994 30 Chic East Ill. 873 90 Chi Ill pfd.

118 124 Chi 889 89 Chie ...160 1634 Chic Con Trac. 38 40 Chic Term com. 11 Chic Term pid. 36 40 61 611 1226 Chi Gt 138 Ch Gt W. pfd A.

75 754 Ch Gt pfd B. 40 404 Ch St pf 170 172. Chi Ind Lou pfd 45 CI Lor pf 524 54 Col Fuel Iron 424 43 Col South 1st pf 434 444 Col South 2d pf. 15 154 Col I. 164 17 Consol 189 190 Cont Tobacco 32 324 Con Tobac pfd.

84 854 Del 116 Del Lack 1.5; 177 Denver G. 104 184 Den 691 69. Erie 114 12 Erie 1st 324 334 Erie 2d pfd 164 184 Fed Steel 514 518 Fed Steel pfd 781 758 Fit P're Mqt. Ft Gen 1234 Gt North'n pfd. 1664 1673 Glucose com.

531 541 Glucose 99 100 Claflin Co.112 113. Hock Val 594 591 llinois Cen 114g 1144 Int Pap 26 264 Int Paper 679 68 Inter 109 11 Iowa Cent com. 124 124 Iowa Cent pfd 544 54 CP 84 84 Knick 38 44 Knick Ice 66 72 Laclede 70 794 Lake West. 21 23 Bid. Asked 84 85 Long 46 50 Lou Nash.

814 813 Manhattan. 932 Manhat Beach. 6 10 Met St Ry. 1694 170 Mexican 12 124 Mex Northern. St SS 154 17 Minn St 59 60 St Led pid 904 93 Mo Kan Tex.

10 11 MK Tex pid. 32 33 Mo 434 438 Mobile Ohio. 40 41. Nat Biscuit. 368 361 Nat Biscuit pfd.

924 Nat Lead 26 264 Nat Lead Co pf. 1044 1058 Nat Stch 1st pf 60 Nat Stch 2d pf. 15 Nat Steel 414 Nat Steel 924 931 117 Central ...1331 134 pf 75 84 Ed pt 38 84 N'folk Wcom 258 N'folk pfd. 704 708 Nor Pac 514 52 Nor Pac pfd 748 744 North 148 149 Omaha ...120 123 Ont 218 218 Ore RR Nav Or RR Nav pt Pacific Coast 514 52 Pac Coast 1st pf 83 89 Pacific 434 434 PC 761 80 Penn .....1294 1294 People's 1044 1049 Pr Steel 564 57 Pr Steel Car pf. 872 88 Pull Pal 189 Reading com.

174 18 Read ist pfd. 513 Reading 2d pfd 278 28 Repub hon 21 214 Rio Gr 39 44 Rio Gr 82 88 Rock Island. :069 107 St I 1st pf 6. 64 St Paul ......1181 119 St Paul Dul. 50 St Dul pf4.

102 104 San Fran 94 99 St 1st pf 69 70 St Fed pf 334 839 St Southwest. 12 124 St 274 281 So'n 381 So'n Ry 111 12 So'n Ry 548 549 Stand Rope 81 94 Tenn 858 854 Tex 168 165 Third Ave. 117 Twin City T. 68 Un Bag Pap. 22 23 Un Bag pid 75 79 Un Pac 474 474 Un Pac 754 US 47 49 US Flour 25 Flour 35 Leath com.

161 16 Laath 76 761 US Rub 894 Rub pfd. ..1014 1024 Wabash 201 91 Wells, 198 Western 864 862 Wheel 10 LE 2d pfd 264 274 Wis Cen 184 19 Wis Cen pid 48 494 THE OUTSIDE MARKET. The outside market on Thursday was fairly active and irregular with trading confined to a few issues. Standard Oil was the feature throgghout the day and advanced 44 points on sales of over 200 shares to 5144 and closed strong at 514 bid. The sharp advance in this stock was on rumors that the company would pay large dividends for this year and that the company had earned more money in 1899 than in any previous year.

Bay State Gas was very active throughout the day and advanced from 11 10 2 on heavy buying. Towards the, close the stock reacted to 14 on sales of 1,000 shares and on profit taking. Amsterdam Gas stocks were weak, the common selling down to 921 and the preferred to The bonds were offered down from 94 to 923 without sales. The cause of the weakness in these stocks the official announcement that the company Was on had reduced the price of gas from $1.05 to 65c. Hide Leather bonds were traded in in the outside market for the first time and sold at 95 and interest and closed offered at 95 and interest.

Other stocks showed no material change from Wednesday's closing. Closing Prices: Bid Asked bid. Asked Am Woolen G'ds 234 248 Gen 41 54 Am Win Gds pf. 784 794 Havana 904 22 Amalg 629 834 Havana 604 62 Am Air 35 45 Hide Leather I Am 15 18 Hide Am Bicycle pfd. 44 50 Ill Am Bicycle bnds 90 924 Markeen Cop'r.

6 7 Amst Gas 22 23 National 469 48 Amst Gas pfd 434 45 Nat Salt 784 80 Amst Gas bonds. 921 Nat 43 44 Arizona Lead 108 Nat Tube. 92 93 Bak Powder pfd 94 95 NE Transp'on 68 69 Banta Hill 9 18 99 Bay State Gas. 19 14 Otis 93 25 Bklyn City RR.935 2374 Otis Elev 86 89 Bklyn NY Fy. 28 96 Pneu Horse Col bnds 88 90 16 18 Br Col Copper 9 94 Pump 624 64 Chi Alt Rubber Goods.

29 30 Chi Alt new 38 Rub Goods pfd 794 804 Distil of Amer 74 St 22 30 Distl of Am pfd. 224 23 St Louis 75 Elec Pneu 1 Louis new 48 944 42 46 St Louis suhs 1 84 Elec Vehicle pf. 59 20 Storage Power. 104 Clectric Boat 154 17, Sloss-Sheffield. 99 81 Elec Boat 35 Sloss-Shef 70 Elecrie Axle 44 48 Stand Oil new.614 5144 Flem co*ke.

20 23 Union Ferry 39 41 56 60 LONDON CLOSING. London London market closes ateady with American stocks somewhat irregular, but advances for the most part well maintained. The general market steady and consols maintaining their position. Foreign bourses steady. Change Close.

Equiv. from 2 p. m. Louis Nash. 834 810 Dec.

N. Y. Central 1374 134 Dec. Northern Pacific pfd. 763 743 Adv.

St. Paul. ..1224 Adv. 1 Union Pacific pfd. 771 754 unchanged Albany (special:) Referring to the propositions of the canal advisory boards for waterway improvements submitted to legislature, the Governor said: "I will approve anything the legislature sees fit to do in this connection." 14 US 102 44 do 86 do 8, 110 do 85 1104 do 45 reg.

114 do4s 1 114 CITY Revised daily by Canton Bid. Asked. America 425 Am Ex Nat 7 MN. 185 190 A-tor 490 B. wery 12 988 800 Broadway 19 235 250 But Drov 6 85 95 Central 8 175 185 Chase 10 JJ.

425 Chatham 16 8 800 810 Chem 150 Citizens 7 149 155 City new stock. 215 295 Colonial Bank 230 Commerce 8 JJ. 275 300 Columbia 8 190 Continental 6 128 Corn Ex 19 FA 825 $75 Domestic Ex 105 115 East River 8 180 Eev'th Wd-8 150 First Nat 100 8250 Fifth Nat 12 JJ 225 Fifth Av 1 0 Fourth 7 170 14th street 6 145 165 Gall tin 19. A 0... 400 80 Garfield 40 QM.

...1600 Ger Amer 6 115 Ger Ex 10 May 285 260 Germania 10 825 Greenwich 6 165 Ha milton 6 195 Hanover 10 675 725 Hide 120 120 140 Tr 80 520 580 Irvin: 8 Leather 10 225 810 Lincoln 18 QF 775 885 US 4s new reg. 1824 do 46 new cou. 1334 134 4 do 55 112 do 118 Dist of Columbia 119 BOND TRANSACTIONS. Ann Arbor 1st 48 93 10 Missouri Pacific con. 20 10 Nash Chat St 58.105 CC 1 NYC con 68 138 6 ten LAh b9 Atch Topeka 48 12 9 NYE 5s 104 10 101 3 Harlem 2: 101 10 Nortoik de western 48 94 11 Atchison adj 8 936, 5 10 Northern Pac 48.

Austin west 1st 58. 25 5 20 104 2 Balt Ohio 1st 5 6 100 Northern Pacific 88. 67 81 1 30 5. Ohio 81. 954 41 Ontario Western 49 14 6 3 20 5 Ore Ry Navis.

76 95 Oregon hort Line 5s. 10 Balt 500 200... 896 8 10 14 Pacific Coast ..107 5 8 5 ..1074 71 2 Peoria Eastern Ista, 8614 Bklyn Union Gas 1st. 116 10 Pitt ctfs Bklyn Un Elev 9 10 .100 00 8 St 10 97 2 Buff Roch Pitts As 110 Reading gen Bur Cedar Rapkis Nor 1st 8414 2. 2 Rio Wist 48...

7 Canada Southern 1st. 10 14 Canada Southern 9ds 10 12 St Iron Mt 48. 9 8119 Gen Ga con 90 56 Cen Pac 1st ref mt 4s 1004 24 5 5 St Iron Mt So 35 Cen Pac 2d lien ....112 15 St Louis gm 5e. 10714 41 Ches Ohio 14 St Louis 904 24 Ches Ohio cn 11 9 49 St Louts 8 9d 16 Neb .1:1 Chicago Erie 1sts .11 45 594 Chi Ind Lou 8....112 50 Chi RIs Pac gen 48. 19 51 Chi St NO 84.

100 3 St Paul consols. 5 Col Coal Iron 6s 1484, 167 16714 11 Colo Midland 2-4s 1034 664 00 St Paul Chi Pac 5s. 1194 1st St Paul Pass 7914 Col Southern 854 2 San An Ar 48. 2 Southern Pacific 48.. 3 85 8 94 So Pac of Cal 5s.

sta. 1 5 10 Southern Railway he. 117 5 Stand Rope Tw 68 84 Den Rio Gr 1st 5s. 1034 3 Stan Rone Tw 92 6 Detroit Jus $45 0 Texas Orieans 5s. 2 Elgin Jol 1st.

11 Tex Pac 1st ......113 8 ET Va Ga con 5s. 1 74 4 Ulster Del 18t Erie gen pr mtge. 49. Pacific 1st 48 90 4 93 3 Fort Worth 1044 Gal A Mex div 1st 15 8 ..1024 16 Green Ray ser 74 19 Virg fund 86 Valley 4469. 5 91 Hocking 10 Cen 4s.

85 8514 Wabash 1st 5 Iowa Central 1sts 114 2 Wabash 2a. 5 100 Wabash deb. 884 11 88 20 Kan City 1st ct 684 28 Ky Cen 4s. 97 10 3 Lake Shore 17 384 5 Lou St 1st ctts 67 8 38 4 3 8814 10 :0 68 10 88 9 3 Lou Nash uni 9 4 10 994 994 5. 884 994 10 Met St Ry ...120 5 884 25 10 Met West Side Ele of Chi 48 89 6 9 NY Pa 1sts ....118 974 25 Mex Cen 1st in 24 5 71 10 "erican Int eon.

881 10 7 1 Mill Ry of NJ 1st 10 10 Mil Sh ext 55.13 96 72 Mo Pac 58 1920... 30f 931 15 73 93. 15 NY Mo Kan Tex 1st 90 10 21 Mo Kansas Tex 9d 10 244 Mo Tex of Tex 56 93 243 45 25 10 Mo Kan Tex ext 5s West Shore 4s reg. ..1124 3 91 112 944 Wisc Cent 1st 10 10 7 Mobile Ohio 48. N5 89 904 Sales of bonds $2,304,000.

GOVERNMENT BONDS. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked US 102 44 US 4s new reg.

1824 BANKS. Gilbert, 9 Wall Street. Bid, Asked Manhattan 8 FA. 255 275 Mar Ful 10 JJ. 215 240 Mech 90 110 Merchants' 165 175 Mechanics 8 190 200 Mercantile 190 Merch's Ex 6 116 Metropolis 12 JD.

400 450 Mount 200 140 Nassau 8 160 Nat Union 10 JJ. 650 725 New Amst'm 590 NY Nt Bk As10JJ 245 265 NY Cnty 40 JJ .1500 New York Dat Ex 116 Ninth 4 88 95 Nineteenth Ward 100 No America 6 JJ. 200 210 Oriental 10 190 200 Pacific 8 170 Park 12 500 Peoples 10 225 Phoenix 6 100 110 Plaza 500 Produce Ex 6 A0. 120 130 Republic 200 Riverside 8 210 Seaboard 6 275 Second 10 550 Seveuth 6 170 She Lea 4 QJ. 98 105 State of NY 6 MN 128 state 6 JJ 225 Twelfth Ward 6 JJ 115 2 Ward 5 100 Union Sq 6 210 825 West Side 19 375 York ville.

210 THE BOSTON MARKET. Lake Street 114 Union 99 Lake St El In 5s. .80 31 Union 27. 284 Boston dullness was the characteristic of this market. The general tone, how.

ever, showed slight improvement. The buying of Fitchburg on the announcement of a new deal was excellent and price lifted 74 points to 1254. In the general market Erie Telephone was in good demand. The closing was quiet but firm. THE PHILADELPHIA MARKET.

Philadelphia market was dull. The coalers were The steel stocks showed some activity. N. Y. was the strongest feature of the day's trading.

In the general list Asphalt and U. G. I. were weak on heavy tion. The closing was firm.

CHICAGO MARKET, Chicago closing prices reported by J. S. Bache Bid. Asked. Bid.

Asked Am Strawboard 30 304 Met El new com 25 Am Linseed Oil 148 144 Brew. 24 Am Lin Oil pid. 545 Chi St 227 Am Tin 29 30 Nat Biscuit cm 364 Chi 13 2 3 Nat Carbon com 19 190 Chi City 280 Nat Steel com. 41 48 Chi 157 16) South Side 1004 Chi Light 58.108 1084 Street's 8 21 214 of 1224 Street 110 1104 The petition in the HI. B.

Cluflin tux suit has been denied. THE MARKET. 10.00. -The London market was strong on the capture of Spion Kop by Gen, Warren, who also reported the Boer defenses on their right flank thereby untenable. Bank of England rate was reduced to 44.

The return showed a gain of £704,000 in gold for the week. American stocks advanced 14 to General markets were very strong. Consols 102, a rise of 7-16. Steel trade returns confirm large business reported for steel companies. Steel Wire dividend was rumored at 84.

10.25 a. favorable news from South Africa caused a general advance. London was a buyer of Louisville, St. Paul and the Pacific stocks and commission houses buying the general list. Norfolk issues advanced evere the general market and there was some special buying on the good earnings There was supposed short covering in Sugar and the traction on the general position, and buying of steel properties on favorable dividend anticipations.

S. R. Rodgers bought; traders sold. (2,000 in all), Housman 000) bought: McGovern sold. B.

R. Sidenberg Kraus bought. St. Clarkson bought; Noyes sold. Am.

Tobacco-Oelrich bought Goodhart sold. Met. H. Kerr bought. London has bought 20,000 shares of stocks so.

far. B. R. Wormser, Housman (1,500) bought. L.

F. Kimball bought. B. 0. Religman, Meyer, London bought; Noyes U.

H. Thomas Hous man, London bought; Bell Post Flagg, Annes, traders sold. Sales of stocks the first hour, 128,537 shares. 11.10.-London was the principal buyer and it was estimated that foreign houses took some 30,000 shares. Traders who had sold shorts Wednesday in expectation of bad news were believed to be buying back.

Commission houses were buyers and reported more business than for some time past. Flower brokers were buying steel stocks. It was believed the scheme for refunding the Third Avenue. would include the issue of new stock. Standard Oil brokers were buyers of traction stocks.

Southern stocks, showed strength on the advancing price of cotton while Grangers were bought on the more hopeful wheat outlook. S. Pac-London bought. B. R.

T-Grant Bros. and Edey Sons (500) bought. F. S- Halle Stieglitz bought 500. L.

-Housman bought Tunstall Co. sold 1,000. Manhattan-Halle Stieglitz bought 500. Sugar-Content, Housman, Wormser, Provost bought; Randolph, Carlisle, Head, Blair, Strong. Sturgis Co.

sold. Federal Steel DeCordova sold. Manhattan-Halle Stieglitz (1,000) bought. Leather--J. J.

Manning sold. St. Housman (1,500) bought. Amn J. Taylor bought, Keech, Loew Co.

sold. Manhattan-H. B. Hollins bought. Mo.

-Post Flagg, Brokaw bought; McKinley, J. J. Manning sold. Sales of stocks from 11 to 12, 33.845 shares. Total sales to noon, 162,382 shares.

12.15.-The dull but strong attitude of the ket seemed to show that traders who had sold on marthe morning's advance were waiting to cover. Brokers reported good out-of-town buying. Fresh rumors as to the nrospects of the Subsidy Lill were current but no real change from the position was reported from Washington, and strong opposition is Will expected. There was some buying of ail, however, on the hopeful view of the site Further buying of Brooks Transit took place on the meeting Friday. Leather, Sugar and Tractions were sold, supposedly for Consolidated Stock Exchange interests.

Am Ice--R. Waller bought; Bridgman, Elling. wood Cunningham, J. Wallace sold. St.

A. Harned, Dick Bros. sold. Fed. Steel- -Flower Co.

bought. A. S. Halle Stieglitz (500) bought; Melntyre Wardwell sold. Amn sold.

Third Avenue -H. Sternberger bought. Leather-T. J. Taylor bought 1,000.

F. -C. 'A. Harned bought; H. G.

Campbell sold. 8. Ry. pfd-Rodgers Randolph bought. Sugar-Sidenberg Kraus bought.

St. Randolph bought. Wire--Post Flagg sold. Sales of stocks from 12 to 1, 19,472 shares. Total sales to 1 p.

181,854 shares. 1.25.---In spite of selling from traders and pressure from known bear quarters, the market held well and there was fair buying, especially in traction stocks, where both Vanderbilt and Standard Oil interests were said to be purchasers. A large block of Third Avenue stock which had been threatening the market was believed to have passed into stronger hands. An important change in the B. R.

T. directorate was spoken of, involving the representation of Vanderbilt, Standard Oil and Harriman interests. Southern Pacific was bought on the strength of Mr. Mill's appointment to the New York Central board which with his connection with the Southern Pacific was believed to imply future deyelopments. L.

Levy, Carlisle sold. B. bought; Co. sold. Atch.

-London bought; G. B. Hopkins sold. Leather-T. J.

Taylor bought. Floyd Moore sold Ches. Ohio. Sales of stock from 1 to 2 p. 16,713 shares Total sales to 2 p.

198,567 shares. 2.20.-Demand for bonds continued strong and effect upon the market was shown by the fact that the First National Bank was reported en good authority to have been a persistent buyer of dividend-paying stocks in the active list. Although outside trading had fallen off considerably there was still sufficient strength in the market to resist attacks, and profit taking sales of stocks bought Wednesday caused no decline. Easy money had its effect on the general tone and the fact that was almost difficult to obtain encouraged operators for the rise. Atchison pfd--R.

H. Bissell bought G. B. Hopkins sold. Sugar--MeIntyre Wardwell sold.

B. R. H. Content sold. L.

Loew Co (1,000) bought; B. C. Williams sold. 3 p. passing of the Rapid Transit bill In the State.

Legislature caused some realizing in traction stocks but they were well supported, especially at the finish. It was believed that some of the selling was for shorts. Inside buying was reported in Union Pacific. The volume of shares dealt in since noon showed a large, reduction, and operators were believed to be holding off pending further foreign news. 3.30.-It was matter of comment after the close that the buying in the last few minutes in internationals, notably in Pacifies, came from foreign houses.

There was a considerable borrowing demand for B. New York Central and St. Paul, and Louisville seemed to be especially scarce, some being louned as low as 24. Contrary to expectation, Brooklyn and the industrials were fairly plentiful at the money rate of 8 to 344. A rumor that General Warren was advancing along the Boor position under cover of guns from Spion Kop gave strength at the finish.

Saies of stock from 2 to 3 p.m., 84,657 Ahares. Total sales to 3 p. 202,924 shares. A New Book and Railroad Account Methods "Ton Mile Cost," BY THOMAS F. study into the question of railroad operating cost A and the factors which govern it.

This book will prove pl great interest railroad men all who are interested in Railroad Economics. It embodies the most modern ideas of the subiect and will especially commend Itself 10 Railroad Managers who desire to start their young men thinking on right lines. THIRD EDITION NOR READY 43 CENTS I Dow, Jones The Publishers Wall Street Journal: 42-44 Broad New York MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES. Revised daily by Frederic H. Hatch, 30 Broad Street.

BONDS. Rate. Period, Bid, Astrod Acker, Merrall 6 98 American Muto. B. 7, 90 American Writing Paper 5 79 82 Barney Smith 6 MN 103 107 Brooklyn Ferry.

5 A 86 89 Chat. Ore. I 6 30 50 C. O. Grain Elevator 10 15 O.

Grain JD 70 75 Hecker-Jones-Jewell. 6 MS 70 804 Hoboken L. I. MN 105 International Silver. 6 JD 100 101 Iron Steamboat 6 45 Madison Square Garden 6 MN 30 35 Metropolitan Ferry 5 MN 108 N.

Y. J. Ferry 5 JJ 99 102 New York 114 New Jersey MN 97 York New Jersey 5 MN 110 Proctor Gamble 6 112 Sloss Iron 6 A 1074 Sloss Iron Steel 4 A 0 76 Staten Island Rapid Transit 1st 6 A 107 Staten Island Rapid Transit 2d 5 95 Susquehanna Coal 6. -115 Swift Co 6 105 10th 23d Street Ferry. 5 100 105 Texas Pacific Coal 6 A 106 Union Ferry lets.

5 MN 1004 102 United Elec. of N. J. 4 78 80 U.S. Flour Milling 6 MN 40 50 QUOTATIONS FOR MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS.

Amalgamated 6 J. 824 83 American Agel. 32 American Agel. Chemical 6 -Q 78 American Bank 5 QM 48 50 American Ginning, 20 224 American 8 QD 1174 1224 American Graphophone 8 120 127 American Mutoscope Co 30 American Press 6 Mo. 95 American Shipbuilding 25 35 American Shipbuilding 7 95 105 American Soda Fountain com.

5 10 American Soda Foun. 1st pfd. American Soda Foun. 2d 12 American 50 55 American Writing Paper com. 5 10 American Writing Paper pfd.

35 40 Atl. Mutual Insurance 10 54 Barney Smith Car preferred. 99 102 Bliss, E. 10. 1274 14 Bliss, E.

preferred. 8 125 Brooklyn Ferry 23 26 Brooklyn Wharf W. pfd. B. 15 Brooklyn Wharf W.

10 Celluloid Crume preferred. 87 674 90 Cen. Fireworks 12 Cen. Fireworks A 51 58 Cen. South American 6 105 107 Ches.

Pot. 6 60 65 Chesebrough Mo. 340 360 Con. Car Heating. A 48 55 Cramps' Ship Engine 78 82, Empire Bay State Telegraph PA 75 Erie Western 5 100 General Chemical 55 65 General Chemical 6 95 100 Gorham Mfg.

6 118 Hoboken Land 100 115 Hudson River Telephone. 112 International 16 18 International Pump preferred. 6 62 64 International Silver preferred. 7 55 60 Iron Steamboat 3 5 J. B.

Stetson common 8 And 90 J. B. Stetson preferred. 1174 Journeay com. 3 Lanston 75 80 Jourueay Burnham 8 30 Lorillard 8 105 110 Madison Square Garden.

5 Copper. 64 Mergenthaler V. 194 196 Mexican National 16 20 Mosler Safe preferred. 8 j'j 100 Nat. Enameling 29 32 Nat.

Enameling preferred. 85 88 National Wall Paper. 8 55 60 83 New England Gas 19 21 New York New Jersey 7 168 175 Old Dominion 6 98 Pittsburg Bessemer L. 19 20 Penn Salt A 113 Pittsburg Plate Glass 146 148 Planters' Compress 244 264 Pneumatic Gun Carriage. 2 24 Pratt Whitney 45 55 Proctor 19 Aug 975 400 Proctor Gamble 8 190 Safety Car Heating 125 140 Singer Manufacturing 30 Qj 600 Standard Coupler.

35 Standard Coupler 8 110 116 Swift 100 1014 10th 23d Street Ferry. 5 8 70 75 Tennessee Copper. 13 14 Trenton Potteries 5 10 Trenton Potteries 48 Trow Directory, 48 58 United Electric of New Jersey. 32 U. S.

Envelope common. 60. U. S. Envelope preferred 7 QM 84 87 Union Steel 30 Union Steel Chain preferred Union Switch Signal 75 Union Switch Signal 125 Union Typewrite common.

95 27. Union Typewriter lat A 0 110 113 Union Typewriter 2d 8 A 0 118 123 United States Glass 26 27 United States Glass preferred. 95 105 Worthington Pump 7 MN 96 102 Westinghouse 380 390 interest. Ex dividend. assess ment paid.


Louis pfd. Louisville Nashville. BOOKS CLOSE. N. Y.

Security Trust. MEETINGS. Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Robert F. Tysen, who has been a member of the New York Stock Exchange for about twenty years, has sold his seat for $30,000 and is going to Europe for a vacation.

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Published by Dow Jones, The Wall Street Journal is the preeminent source of global business and financial news, including coverage of U.S. & world news, politics, arts, culture, lifestyle, sports, and health.

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A 2018 survey conducted by Gallup and the Knight Foundation found that The Wall Street Journal was considered the third most-accurate and fourth most-unbiased news organization among the general public, tenth among Democrats, and second among Republicans.

Do you have to pay for a Wall Street journal? ›

$4/week for 1 year

Unlimited digital access to The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, MarketWatch, and Investor's Business Daily Digital.

How much does a Wall Street journal cost at Newsstand? ›

Dow Jones & Co., publisher of The Wall Street Journal, said it is raising the weekday newsstand price of the newspaper by 50%, to $1.50 from $1. Subscription prices won't change. The increase in the single-copy rate, which goes into effect July 16, is the first since April 2001.

What state is the Wall Street Journal newspaper based in? ›

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is an international newspaper published every day by a company called Dow Jones & Company. It is published in New York City with Asian and European editions.

Who owns WSJ and NYT? ›

In 2007, Mr. Murdoch acquired The Wall Street Journal's parent company, Dow Jones & Company, for $5 billion. Shortly after the acquisition, there was a leadership shuffle among The Journal's editorial staff, and its new owner pushed for more coverage of politics.

Who owns the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal? ›

The Post shares this building with Fox News Channel and The Wall Street Journal, which are also owned by Murdoch.

Where is the Dow Jones headquarters in NYC? ›

The News Corp. building at 1211 Avenue of the Americas, between 47th and 48th Street, serves as the global headquarters of Dow Jones. The News Corp. Building also serves as global base for News Corp., Dow Jones's parent company, and its sister company, 20th Century Fox.


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.