Omaha World-Herald from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)

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Omaha World Herald riday Sept 22 1961 Market Trail Neu) York Stock Exchange Quotations Texas Instrument Dips Meat Imports by US Div Sale (Raie H'flh Low Clous Chs ch rd 110 IV 11 31 33 Market Is Unsteady 6 20 By Joe Uhlarik 6 13 160a issues 1 A 11 46 Odds Ends price SO 1 60 4i4 10 105 31 60 0i 60a 50a SO 11 60 closing ft M6 36 8114 35 32 37 14 57 3 49 9 25 4 1) 1 2 Sid 116 Smelt 150)1 352 13 60 2 39 30 54 1 53 8 65 21 35 1600 US Bond Offer 130 Cash Dividends 18 High Called Success Shou) Increase 250 5 106 16 135 92 5" 14 Dow Jones bond averages: 51 17 Advance Refund Am Airlines Will 3flp 7 120 17 10 27 6 49 11' 635 15 Thursday Nat 39 120a 91 22 15771878094 I 4 63 24 57 78 10 1 17 78 in 38 59 27 273' I 2'1 58 1 21 1 32nds represent 46 3S 1 yt 32 38 Investment unds passbook I mCp Is '4 Print 140 20 26 84 49 2 nl 884 SAVINGS 3a EARN 80a 15 33'4 258 3 MORE V4 am 3 3 Refr lb Wiscon 80 Bank and Insurance Stocks 49 1' 80 21 RENT A TRUCK 344 Xerox Cp 25 6'4 1 Omaha 0 i'll ciaar 120a HINHR '5 IS' 140 131 ASSOCIATION 1 al 2815 NO 11th ST 345 6262 15' 19 Mondays thru Thursdays 91 8:30 3:00 ridays 8:30 5W 02 14 1 36 97 3771 15081508 62626762 Ch 7 1 160 180b 160 18 40 17 ID 15 6 15 2 4 71 3 2 9 6 16 38 425 Industrials 25 Railroad 50 Utilities 500 Stocks 6214 02 6699 03 Ch( Ch chi 12 2 61 7 60ff I 60 Hl 35 98 8 33 SI 46 7 19 1 70 Ju 3 9 7 9 5 6 I8 70 Ynast hr la 'ingst Zenith Rud 2 38 IU6 717 807 876 39 59 10 17 5 35 4 18 39 14 6 10 14 71 44 18 Pw Cem 151 47 2 8 64 67 41 7 7 82 21 18 120 120 2b 35 7 21 100 214 38 46 104 30 1 IB 23 58 38 36 3 11 3 6 11 price active Stock 30 Tnds 20 RRs 15 Utils 65 Stks 40 10 10 10 10 3 2 4 11 2 13 47 192 49 67 3 20 17 6 4 14 7 14 17 78 13 3 6 6 14 85 6 2 8 8 II 31 10 8 2 160 in 226 14 16 9 5 Std std Std Un Un Un 10 10 7 60 50 1180 41 16 2 467 2 21 69 3 9 25 64 27 21 154 6 47 98 75 2 4 3 14 7 2 10 5 6 3 4 34 4 51 17 38 5 237 6f 187 42 24 73 23 31 60h I 20 180 30d 2 68 159 3 16 44 Un Un i 6 2 88 117 24 49 9 4 Wall St Tn Wash Mut 140 35g 17 28 23 26 23 26 38 1 soar 12 16 29 2 7 11 28 62 83 Air Ln 1 Aut 1 09g Norm Ran! 120 Al St! 1 05g 5 30 Ask 263 7 69 925 511 100 6 99 100 1018 104 9324 Bl B0 93 9816 9416 28 4b 46 16 25 5 34 1 31 18 27 14 28 1 3 6 3 49 41 It 9 16 131 Sw Str I SPEED UP PROITS BY SPEED ING DELIVERIES WE URNISH EVERYTHING BUT THE DRIVER inn io wo 101 1028 105 9424 105 Bl 94 99B 95T6 High713 22144961220723927 6 69 26 13 59 inan 140 ds 160 Instru Be Mills 120 35 21 28 60 40a lb 120 120 la 4 140 1 33 Z100 120 8t 28 16 76 5 46 in St El Mf Av 852732 950fht not subject 5s 3S K1 July Mar Mar Jul eb April July Oct May eb Sept IE 150 3 38 Cvr 1 IfTb Match 60 OtlPd 50a Pict la 16 12 20 30 QuakOaB 2 20 QudkhtUii LbU 50i 120 31 278 24 15 51 29 31 41 14 28 1 0 41 dis pf 5 llnd I oodl 120b sund 120a 11080 I 120 i 120 aRle 120 ast Au 25p ast 1 60 at Stl 90 ast Kod 2a aton Mis 180 dts Br Str 2b Ekco Pd 2 Elas Stop 1 Auto 2 40a Bond 120 15g ElSior Bat 2 Elgin Watch lasoNG 130 iner El lb mer Rad 37t nd John Engel Ind 80 Equtt Gas 165 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36 I 48 26 154 1425 "8 II 3 89 Kaiser Al 90 Km PiL 2 32 Kun Csou 4 Kun GE I t'S Kan Mb Karsvr Roth 4t)b 57 24 39 80 23 10 6 52 51 109 92 ju 59 2 31 Jb 3i 37 51 SS 3U 41 84 3H' Oil 15 50 15b 47 4 778 41 1 8 1093 1201 34 31' 58 "i 50 3344 81 i 11 1 16 8 15 4 06 4 16'4 51s 58 8'4 20s 124 63 Van Van Van Vanad Cp 40 Vanan A Vendo Co 10 va am on va Vulcan Mat 41 6 87 29 9 70 5 69 210 2 7 17 68 17 21 381 104 oJ Talcott 90 3 andy Cp 1 elautogt Tenn Cp 1 40h Tenn Gas 1 13 Texaco 160 lex 1 ex lex Tex Tex Tex Try Ry 4 Tex Util 2 08 Textron 125 'hate hGi MO Thiokol 62t Thnmp JR 60 Thnmp RW 1 40 Thor Tool 160 Iidewat Oil Tide Oil pfl2O Timk RB 2 40 Tish Reni 50b Toledo Ed 70 Trac Sup A 90 Trane Co 90b Tran WAir Transamrr Transitron Transwn PL Tn Cont 90g Truax Tra 160 Tung So) 52s Twent Cen 80d Twin City 1 TXL Oil 93 59 1 33 9 591048 10 8 J1R7 1701 59 1540 1685 1379 14 1001 17 50 745 805 22 13 6 2 2 11 40 67 1 7BL 25 12 8 8 12 8 6 1 57 54' 32 2 16 43 II 25 S7 20 34 6 4 28 4 What the Stm Market hid MEW YORK (API peri rans If Gth Gth 4 60 5 04 inves 1057 i 60 actor A S0b airb Mor 70p rair wnir air Strat airmont 1 aktaff 8r am in 180 ansteel lb awfck 30 edd Corp lb ed Mosul M0 ed Pac El 30g ed Pan Bd 2 ed Str 110 enestra erro Cp 160 ifth Av Lin ibre Pan I iltrol 1 05g irestone lb irst Str 2a stChart 125t irth Cpt lintkot? 90g la Cst la Pw 88 la 112 luor ood air 90b rnoa MC ond ooie ord Mot 3a orem Dair 50f ost Wheel lb oxoro 52? ram up rank Str reent Sul rueh Tra 1 75 41 91 31 current RAIL h'i 11'4 31 J2' Div Saks (Rate: Joy Mfe 2 67 1 3 28' 4 inv fl Hunt I mupo Huss A 1 mA 7 56 83 39 89 58 49 16 14 41 13 53 16 20 24 30 20 9 bu 11 67 Int Resour 530 5 79 In vCoAm 1151 12 58 Inves Bo s12 42 1357 IN VI 31 Mut Stock Select 22 4 302 3 93 239 3 74 2 17 4 20 2 R7 15 39 I 82 7 8 9 53 2 30 29 15 29 1653 17)6 153 13 29 64 13 23 83 5 II 7 60 9 NoNGas pf5 50 zioo nor rac i Nor Sta Pw L18 Northrop 160 Nwst Airlin 80 Nw 1 Norwich Ph 1 17 22 36 31 25 13 455 23 26 55 17 40 2 12 Market Averages Thursday Standard and 500 stock index 25 22 63 8 8 Bl 2446 2553 B2 2197 2397 bJ B4 KI K2 S1 S2 S3 S4 90 59 40 34 33 3s 4S When Issues Bid and asked fractions 37 37l 1 7 2 6 3 I 51 19 8 54 20 2 II 107 3 23 21 101 UBi 1966 wi 1969I9601970197019701970 B7119721972 1 39! 52 12 58 49 73 54 40 5 72 15 614 4b 12 8 14 7 1b 17 4 39 Mining Nick 1 60 Pack 80 Paper 1 05 Ryi Am Reetif Resist 30a Salt 3a Shoe M0 Silver 110 Safeway St 150 St Jus Lead 1 ML bant 1 St Reg Pan 140b San (ifts 120 SanDlmper 3o 1 bchenley 1 Mneruw 140 Schick Scott an 2 20 Stovill Ml 1 Screw Bolt SeahALRR 120g Scab inan lb Sealright 140 Sears Roeb 120a 12 17 39 11U NW VHRK Sales and net change of the five most stocks traded on the American rxenanee 1 nursaay: Canal Rand 29400 Cont Mater 26900 Sapnh Pet 23500 Uvdromet" 18900 All Sta Prop 17200 4 44 128 7 47 24 fl 22 18 5 6 16 6 13 46 4 10 27 MobfrO 112b 3 im Exon Sta Ut I Bac 40a 77 292 100 2 37 29 II 2 NAI Cp 25e Natco bOn NatAcm e2a NatAirhn NatAviat 253g NaiBisc 280 NatCa 62t NCash Reg 120 Nate NatCitvL NaiDairv Na I Distill Nat uelG Nat ivns Leaa 1 jbg Linen la Stand M0 Steel 3 Suv Ref 80 83 78 1504 DODGE ST 4721 241H ST H7 I 27 54 so 11 NLW YORK fAP) National Associa tion Securities Deal ers inc 41 'W 51 fl S3 ei 40 i 34'4 8'4 is' 31 18 36 High Low Com Cha 23 22 23 3 17 17 17 Ohio Ohio Okla Okla uim Olm Outb Mar 80 outlet Owens Owens 37 55 10 25 33 24 'a 41 33 63 irj 60 81 42 50 3 24 22 21 9 20 2IM 64 B37 110 106 41 31 Canada In (free) Great Britain (pound) Great Britain 30 dav fut Great Britain 60 day fut Great Britain fiOday fut Australia fnnund) Belgium (franc) rance (franc) Germany (mark) Holland (guilder) Italy (lira) Switzerland (franc free) Argentina (peso free) Brazil (cruzeiro free) Mexico (pem) Venezuela (bolivar) Ilian Low Close Chs 1 as Kmit an Tran 150 18 rroii nu Sul I Ins 120 PLJi 45b 5 54'1 12'? 25 80'4 11' 21 21 21 21 JO'i Il's HI0 11 22 15'4 7654 103 3'1'4 45 27 fl) 38 72'4 '8' 120 254 37'5 50'4 04 in 72 4 22 25 85 27 25'5 '4 17'5 19 2 9 18 18' Close Chg 101 14410 087 '12105 23720 009 37 351 28 25 25 32 IR 72 42 68 1 2 68 1 20 02 4 1962 4 1962 3 1962 1 B2 l9bZ B'i2 IQlii 4 1963 3 1963 Ma Ma MI Mm Mut Shrs 15 24 15 24 Mut Trust 3 33 3 40 12 19 101 1 12 39 69 27 17 30 9t1 Thur Wed ftiz 479 238 IO1 51 14 28 40 13 47B 25 31 15 15 i 33(1 585 14 14 39 13 31 2b 33 50 52 41 29 19 11 59 36 73 14 14 Grwth New Eng YCapit NCE Sh One WmS Oppen a Penn Sa Peoples Phila Pine St Pioneer Price Prov a Puritan Putnam Put Grth Ouar Dist Revere Scud Can Scud SC Scud Stk Selec Am Sharhld Smith Ed Sw Inves Sover Inv State St Stein Stein Stk Slerl Inv telev Ei Tatoo Tn Twen CtHh uhs ra UNITED Accu Cont Incom Scien Un Cn Vai Line 46 160 2 11 3 55 Cno 1 I1JGI 250 3r 1 1'4 64'4 4)' 56 28 37 13 2' 3' 50'5 28' 57'1 10'1 23' 48'J 31 48' 36 51' 129 51 30 35 22 5 17 3 277 786 285 961 21 27 15 7 14 27 1 16 32 71 It 17 18 73' 56 42 39 86 51 29 3 9 25 176 a Rftrh Rock Std 2 Rnhmill 3b Rohr Aire I Honson hOb Roper GD RG Cola 80 Royal Out 83d Koval McB Ruhbermd 30b Ruberuid 2 Ruppert Ryan Aero 20b Ryder Sys Bp Aauir 160 i dy la HUd 1 I III Lt 152 PS 212 SW 102 ya 110b turv Ind 40b ro Cp 110b i reed 60 sna Ar 1 nJ Goth nn Unit 1 60a champ Pap 1 20 Champ Spk 1 80 cm Chi Chi 64 66 28 1'1 14' 11'4 55 77 103 46' 27 61) 34 32 11 29 559 1 38 11 11 51 31 21 18 13' 21 43'5 81 83 62' 34 4 32 230' 103'5 8i 21 8 12 10 28 51 14 28 77 14 1B 23 19 75 26 29 63 84 28 33 92 17 22 7 19 42 Udylite I Unaerwd HMl Carhide 360 Elec l0 OilCal 2h Pec 120a Pac pf40 Tank I 60 Twist 1 20 UmtAirLin 50b Unit Aire 2 Un Artists 1 60 Unit Rise 1 Unit RBC 60g Unit Carbon 2b United Cn 10g Unit I Uni ruit 37g Un Gas Cp L50 UnGreenf lB UniiMV 5 Un Pk Min UniShne 250a US US US US us us US US US US US IIS US Toh 120a US Vitam 60 Unit Stkyd 70 Un Whelan 50a iniv Univ Univ Untv Vm Upjohn A0 Utah 132 50 20 39 14 41 i 37 I 43 23 18 23 9 48 27 31 42 84 29 10 49 49 37 I 52 41 25 lh 74 34 39 41 23 38 NAT SEC SPR haian Pond Divid Pf Stk Income Stock 50 87 43 20 101 39 82 1 419 28 60 55 31 40 30 10 28 14 76 37 26 21 21 46 27 47 37 52 44 25 1601 1750 1861 20 13 1125 1230 1434 1572 1369 1496 8 82 964 12491351 120513 17 1431 1564 976 1067 1072 11 72 1042 1139 B32 2002 2002 2176 8 33 1014 14 66155 912 997 2059 2248 833 91) 1301 14 31 1045 1149 B2I 1839 6620 6687 1104 12 in 9 60 10 52 351 3 85 Unavailab Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Ain Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am AM Ampex Cp mnn Hnr i Anaconda 150 i Anae Anch HG 140 AnderClayt 2 Arch Dan 2 Argo Oil 120b Kriz Sv 72 Armco Stl 3 1 40 Armst Ck 160 Armst Rub 140 Arnold Con 50b Aro Equip 80 Arvin Ind 1 Ashl Oil 120 Assd Dry 2 50 Asoc Inv 2 60 Atchison 120 a Atchison pf50 Atl CityEl 120 Ail Cst Line 2a Atl Refin 240 Atlas Chem 60 Atlas Cp And Nirh Autori Cant 60b Avco Corp 60 Avnet 125g 31'4 9' 2 28 8 Babbitt Raid Lima Balt 112 Balt Oh 60g stp 60g Barber Oil 262f Basic Inc 1 Basic Pd 120 Bath Ir Wk 3 Bausch 120 Baxter Lab 50 Bayuk Cig 2 Beat ds 160b Reaumt 1 Beckman In Beech Aire 60 Beech Sav 180 Beld Hem 70 40b Bell Int 25g Bendix 240 Benef in 1 Benguet 2 Bestwall l38f Beth Steel 240 Bigelow 35g lbO Blaw Knox 140b 160 Bliss EW Bobbie Bks 60 Boeing lbO Bohn Alum la Bond Strs 125 RnnknfMon 120a Borden 150 Borg Wain 2 Bormand 1 Bos Edis 3 Bran Atrw 30e Briggs Mf 2a Brist My 80 BklyUGas 120b BrownSh 280 Brunswick 40 Buckeye PL 160 Bucy Erie Budd Co lln Ruf orge 105g Bullard Bullocks 140 Bulova 60 Burl Ind 70g Burndy 60 Burroughs 1 Bush Term 20d Byers 20 33 76 104 23 2 42 19 59 17 48 3 7 9 10 6 6 25 31 31 46 flit7 ay 24 4 2 13 IS )1 30 27 10 0 20 111 I 15 IW WJ fc i 71 II Til S' 29T 43 1' 1 JT 1 ftiu i 2i 25 43 518 2 4t 50 28 52 33 91 4(1 18 10 i 9 17 165 140 27 1 9 4l Zlio 16 35 28 32 17 rim 597 49 3 Ind GI70 NGas 2 Pac 120 Rw 2 fin pq sfl Spalding 05d Spurt Ind 80 Spurtun up 20e Spun Chem M0 Snerry Rd 112 Spiegel 150b square la ni ana ihu inan 50 Kulls 75t I Hl ift I 2 Oil Ind I 4l)h fl I bl! Oil NJ 105g Sid Oil Oh 250 Stand Pkg Std Press 32 Stan War 120Stanrav 30p Starrett LS 80 Stauff Ch MOh Sterchi Hr 1 Sterl Drug Ml) Stevens JP 1 t0 Stew War 140 Stix 120 Stake Van SOb Stone 3 Storer Bid 180 Stud Pu Stud Pack pf 4 z490 aUlIUTD ftS 44 Suburb Prop 112 Sun Chem 60 Sun Oil lb Sunbeam 170 Sundstrand 62g Sunray 140 Sunsh Bis 440 Sunsh Mn 20 Super Oil 350g I tiOa Sym Way b0 37 104 56 31 17 25 64 41 28 15 16 1 22 1 3050 57 34 40 8 10 17 80 30 7 75'i 4 35 5 13 35 21 494 9 20 11 25 39 25 40 42 05g lud 2 Pw 170 Ind 120 Ch 180 Kid 50 Mills 2 Pd 20p Sirs 1 ahis i nai Alpha PC Alslde 55 Alum Ltd Alcoa 120 Ama! Sub Amerace 40b Amerada 2 60 Am Ag Ch 105g Am Airlin 1 Am Rnkr 2 40 Bk Note 120 1 nosen Brk Sh 240 Bd ar lb Cbl 30 Can 2 Can pf 175 Chain 250 Chicle 160a Barue 120 Crvst 2 (yen 160 Distill 1 Pw 18Sb Enka 20g mort 25d 1 rw so Jtardw HomP Home Hnsptt lh Iml 30g Inv 1 90 1 60 MetCI 140 Met Pd 1 Molass SO Mot 120 Gas 120 News 1 Optical 2 Pnoto 33 Potash 120 Resrch 28g 11 299 29 13 37 4I 13 28 36 Bonds Higher grade rails Second grade rails Public utilites Industrials 120g MackTrk 180 Macy 2 Madison Ed 194g Magma Cop 187t Magnavox nu Mdfii'ry 140b Mauhshirt 70b Manning 140 Maremunt t0a Marine Mid lb Marquardt MarqCem 18(1 Marsh ield 140 MartinCo 1 Masonite 1 20b MavDStr 2 20 Mays JW 80 MCA Inc McCall 50 McCord 2 20 McCrory 80 McDerm bOb Me Don Air 1 McGraw 140 McGraw 60 McGreg Don A 1 McIntyre 1 McKee 150 1 50 McLean 40 McNeil Meh lb McQuay Nor 1 Mead Cp 170 Medusa PC 1 Melv Shoe 1 60 Mcrcant St 140a Merck Ififl Mergen Lino 80a 5 Merr Mcsabi Tr Mestn Meh MGM 160 M)ddle Silt Midi Ross 3 Midw Oil E05g Mmer Ch 50b Mpls Hon 2 Minn 70 160 Minn 160 Cp 150e Mission Dev Miss Riv lbO Mo Kan Tex Mo Par A 2 40 MoPubSv 72b Monascoina Monrm RR Mmisar Ch Mont Ut 1 Mont Pw 11 Mont Ward I Monre Me Morrell 80b Mot Wheel Motorola I MtuelS 140 MSL Ind 50 MuelleiBr 140 Munrngw 1 Murphy 220a Minay Cp 26 10 50 42 48 23 78 1 12 in 12 39 69 Shahmoon Indsham 1 50bhaio nStl 30g Shattuck 40aShell Oil 110 Shell Iran 42d Mf 1 Sneraton 60b Siegler 40b Signodf 60b Simmons 240 Simonds 230g i rar izu lair l5Ug ibU 1 flfl 1 60b 1 310000 2790 090 2921010 3 (JH87I0 1973710 3 188J M0758 455042 550470fl79610171937 CalPack new70 Callah Mng 40 Camb Lk 35a CampbSoup 2 Can Dry 1 Cdn Brew 170 Cdn Pac 150 Cannon 3 Carborun 160 Carey Phil 160 i ar lisle 40 Caro 148 Carpen Stl 1 20a Carrier Cp 160 Carter Pd 1 Case JI Cater Trac 1 Ceianese 120 Ceiotrx 1 cen 33 19 31 31 49 42 70 31 22 31 9 40 39 fll 53 37 21 104 55 29 20 49 32 2T 15 16 119 22 53 24 78 52 29 14 59 46 41 b6 61 31 35 17 25 20 30 Wed 970312 2XI30 2 S032 2 7910 27850 22515 20090 203350 271 1620 23 19 122 3900 8 02 2185 54 2 7 3 9 93 22V ti 17 4 MS 23201 2oo 12 ihJ i 43 i 40 7 22 16 22 13 25 10 19 to maturity (kt I1! 1961 eb 3s 1962 eb 4 1962 eb 3 lOfij Adi 1 1 962 MflV Aug Aug 35 75 78 tU 453 73 4i) 3i 8 62 40 80 20 17 44 60U 21 13 28 Jo Ulan Low Close Chg A 69 19 55 16 21 106 27 9' 71' lit int (5 21' 19 17 33 I 283n 41 63 oreign Exchange New York Closing rales (Great Britain and Australia in dollars others in cents ana aecimais or a cenir i nurs 970312 28135 280 SO lt'HO 27850 22515 20090 203275 2502 276150 1620 2118 358 37 15 40 26 37 7 27 10 51 14 28 76 28 18 12 42 71 41' 74 2'4 IS' 32 28 MV 2V7 57'4 56 32 31' 36' i 47 41 48'4 1 20 45 12 3SW 72 45'4 44 4 1'4 Gabriel Gamble Sk fJar Wnnd Gardner Den 2 Garrett 80d (ten Accept lh GAm Inves 30e GenAm Oil 40b GenAm Tran 225 Gen Bak 07p GenBanc 40 Gen Cable 2 Gen Cigar 120 Cont in 20d Controls 25g GDvrpm 50p 1 Gen felec 2 lien Gen Gen rn Mills pf 5 Gen Motors 2 Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Getl 30 30 29 14 59 1 46 40 66 37 34 2a 25 Asked 2 408 72 i 85 54 32 14 23 37 Washington (AP) The Treasury announced that its $7600000000 a dva co re funding was a whopping sue cess with nearly half of the eligible World War II market able bonds exchanged for new ones maiming between 1980 and 1998 Two weeks ago the depart nient told holders of I he war time bonds' which mature inv 1970 and 1971 that they could1' turn them in now for longer 7 bonds bearing a higher rate of interest Of the $7600000000 of okG 2 per cent bonds $3700 A 000000 were exchanged for the new 3 12 per cent secur ities 8 6 3 10 6 12 12 3 26'4 11 7(1'4 15'4 flii 3M4 11 330 430 2 61 4 09 237 459 314 19 57 10 39 911 50 7 4l 15 21 Drop Sharply in July: Hall Halliburton 2 4fl Hamm Pan 120b 2 Jimd urg la Hath Walk 180 Harcourt 50 Harns Int 120 Harsco Cp 140 Harshaw Ch 1 Hart 120 Hat Corp 87f Haveg Ind Haves Ind 80 Hazeltine 80b Heinz 1 He! Curt A 80 Helrne 160a Hcrcul Mot Here Pdr 75g Mrrsn Hertz 120 Hewlett Pk Heyden Nnt Mill fn Intr Hilton Hot J50 Hoff leet Holland 15p Hollv Sug 140 Holt 40 Homevk 160a Honolulu Oil 2 Hooker Gh 1 Hoov Ball 60 Hotel Cn Am Househ in 120b Houst 1 60 Howard Str 50t Howe Snd 62f 36 40 36 35 15 40 26 4 i 20 (0 14 42 10 57 1124 UNDS: 15 06 16 46 7 81 854 1302 14 23 1527 1669 i 18 26 19 R5 7 23 7 00 7 4 20 3 4 10 8 10 42 87 75 115 42 61 80 35 21 J1 66 721 Dari Riv Dana Cp 2 1)hvco Daystrom 3on Dayt Pa 8a Decca Rec 120 Deere 2 l05g Del 120 Delta Atr 120 Dent Sun la 1 DeSoto Ch 35g Det Edis 2 20 Det Stl Cn 1 ue vnniss Dtam Aik Diam Nat Diana Str HiGinroift Diners Club Disney 40 Dis Seag 120a uivco way Dr Pepper Dome Mm Dornin Doug Atrc Dover Cn Dow Ghent Dress Ind 120 Drewrvs 160 DuBois Ch 50 Duke Pw 60 Dunhill 87f Duplan du Pont 450g duPont pf 450 du Pont pf 350 Dun Lt I IS DWG Cig 80 1 39 40 17 58 31 25 24 44 53 25 21 24 632 45 53 78 21 87 12 38 7 21 45 45 Ji 2 40 i Lockh Airc JOg I new The a LoneS Gem 1 LoneS Gas 1 Lung Isi Lt 150 tnrillard 220 Lnuisv 152 225g Lowenstein 55 Luken Sil 75g LykesSS 65g 85 27 25 17 24 43 44 32 18 16 18 45aj 48 67 41 56 28 41 18 56 35 23 46 23 56 17 40 2 42 1 4 8 8 60 10 41 Mot pf 5 Mot pf 375 PCem 120a Proc 120 PubSv 43g PubSv rt PubUt 116 Ry Sig la Refrac 1 qi ind i fin GTelEl 76 Gen Time Gen Tire 1 Geneseo 1 60 Ga Pac Cp lb Gerber Prod 1 Getty Oil Giant PC 80 Gillette 250a Gimbel 2 20 40 Glad MrR I Glen Aid 40 Glidden 2 Globe 60 Gochel Br Goodrich 22O Goodyear 90h Gould Bat 120 160b Grab Paisa' Granby Grand Un fifth Gran Stl 140 Grant 120 Grays Rob 50t 120 GtNIron 2 25e GtNoPan 1 Gt No Ry 3 Git in 06d (it Sub 120a Green Shoe 67g Grevhound LIO Grum Aire 150 (iutr Gulf Gulf Gust 604 390 i257' 1235 I 52 19 1271 29 18 13 43 14 1 73 44 45 71 sc 19 37'4 iv 18 19' 21' 36 s' ii 321 1 mTk 20: 14 49 511 20 16 12 12 4 98 21'! I nw 16 3314 11 2 JO 254' 3 27 25 17 5 51 12 25 20 3I 10 2ir 50 149 14 9 2 31 18 llii 12 Close Che 8351 00977 01 011 8035029R5 13 0019152 005 Iowa Egg Markets He Molnp In USDA Thiiridnv Prlcrj unchnngoa Prices ppr (lozmi paid produ' ers at farms cases ex chang'd to 11 a mt Grade A largo or boliri 313f)c mostly 33c A medium 2WT27C most ly medium 20ri)28c mostly 20fii 23c dirties and checks 15fi 2Uc mostly isrmlkc: smalls mostly pee eps 9si5c 8S 13 7 i 19 42 93 28 '9 17 49 39411 15 43 St 55 41 55 16 38 60 32 60 23 9 86 30 H78 86 29 Mercb ire A Midw Un Lif Mnnumen Life Nat ire Nnt Life At Nat Old Line Nftf Un ire Nationwd A New Hamp NY ire North River Northeast Ins Northern Ins Pac Indem Pac Insur Peerless Phila Life Phoenix Prov Wash Pyramid Life Rein Cor NY Rep Ins Tex Rep Nat Life St Paul Seabd Life Seabd Sur Security Ins Secur Swn Life Ins Spr nsfd Ins Spring Ins nf Std Sec Life Title Guar Travelers Unit Ins Am US US ire US Life implin Oil 1ckrr Mot mem 1 tnway 10p 43 15 36 29 23 52 18' 3J 4rt 24 23 92 75 26 10 50 42 47 28 24 29 19 34 57 39 6 43 37 43 24 18 23 9 38 5fi B9 11 11 5 5 31 2 26 31 Z100 27 28 1 3 57 2: 5) I6 i Galileo made the first known study of sunspots New York Stocks Thursday: uiv bales (Rale) Hds) 73' 34 39 4' 232 4 31 10 36 17 2 4 160 10 11 6 2(1 23 31 10 21 50 15 27 10 50 42 49 55 46 20 80 57 48 53 70 1744 58 1 62 17? 20 99 39 82 140 21 14 31 92 3212 118 95la i 125 59 23 14 24 18 35 51 37 36 40 3S 51 39 50 124 44 20 30 25 50 65 56 7 26 4 46 781'3 29 38 26 I 13 20 106 12 39 70 27 17 31 25 53 3l 25 24 45 53 1 25 21 Ratal by tha day watk month ar year 61 39 25 5 65 18 34 114 57 20 15 8 51 39 29 9 27 14 71 36 17 39 38 B1 49 53 35 8 36 21 42 50 3274 36 21 77 8 28 2t 35 16 21 947 1038 694 761 1433 1569 1035 1134 694 761 1043 1142 224 1 23 2279 22 576 6 564 2835 28 969 10 10 39 1130 277 3 03 808 8 8 33 14 29 118 22 6 29 21 41 69 Div Sales tRatrv Ms) Cosden Pet 1 Coty Inc Coty 1ml 20g Clone Co 2 Crescent Pet 75g Crow Coll I J7t Crown Cork Crown Zell 180 Crulc Stl 80 CubAm Sulg 40 Cudahy Pk Cuneo Press 80 vunn Drug Curtis Pub Curtiss Wr Curtiss Wr Cutler HI 34 11 17 75 15 fi 8 H' 6 2 3 51 21 26 MW 12'1 3W 32 41 28 14 55 23 58 44 57 32 10 25 34 24 37 41 41 61 23 15 25 19 36 523 37 37 41 39 47 41 41 67 35 15 9 30 230 47 55 14 31 19 21 6 165 14 283 k4 51 44 24 29 21 87 7 9 39 fall sow farrow ing promises to he the largest since the fall of 1912 accord ing to the State ederal Di vision of Agricultural Statis tics A total of 257 thousand sows have farrowed or are expected to farrow in the slate during the 1991 fall sea son (June November) six per cent above the 242 thousand litters produced in the fall of 15 24 1663 9 20 10 04 9 24 10 09 1S39 2006 2286 24 94 13 65 1490 J5 15 1730 4 99 545 1591 1721 649 712 7 52 824 17 125 18 00 12 33 13 48 1505 1641 1028 1120 3026 3026 1695 1695 66 74 16 30 21 29 49 59 46 31 82 Hl 31 39 21 14 37 35 51 38 I 4 3 21 41 31 3 34 2 42 9 idj 104 14 2l 34 64 JR 38 11006 42 34 60 27 30 78 5 35 26 15 15't JU 54 32 18 37 10 14 15 15 30314 29 48 59 46 33 81 JZ II 11 86 Aberdeen Advise Affil Am Bus Am Inv Am Mut Asso Atom Ph Axe A Axe Ax ell Stk Axe Scien Axe Temp lue Rid Rost I Broad St Tlnllnrlr Calif 766 837 an Gen Cdn Cdn IGth Capit Shr ('ent Shr Chase Chem 1 Colon Cui Grth Cwrh Inc Com Int Com Inv Corn Stk Cnmp Bd Comn Concord Cont Grth Corp Ld Crown Dela Bela Inc deVeah In deVegh Diver Gr Diver Inv Divid Shr DowTh In 3 41 35 26 15 2 bl 15 19 3W 3Ii 31 IS' 33' 13' 24 54 39 59' i 4la 59 a IS' 25 103'4 3 2i6 73 '1 4'4 51 11 I 13 3 59 4 22' 54H1 39 'A 60 41 'i Var Pay 738 797 Canad 622 672 Inv Resch 1304 1523 istei rd KEYSTONE cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Keys Can Knickerb Knick Gth Lazard 1 Iexingt Life Inv Life Stk Loom SCa Loom Sav MANAG IUND: uecc Gen Ind Metai ancr 210 27 58 15 37 1200 424 16 7 10 2J 43 48 38 36 48 35 51 127 0 Bid 239 698 855 478 17 231721 999 1092 167 184 557 608 554 602 937 1018 3R4 4 20 1228 1335 1060 1158 1291 141! 19 83 2167 1427 IS 43 1441 1579 3l 57 12 9 228 103'5 7 37 105 20 6 11 Washington (AP) Cor porations issuing public re ports paid cash dividends of $372900000 in August Si 400 000 more than in Au gust of last year The Commerce Dcpart ment said the increase largely reflected shifts in the timing of payments Dividend disbursem*nts in the first eight months of 1961 totaled eight billion dollars This was two per cent higher than in the same period last year when the total was $7800000000 Most of the year to year in crease was in payments by electric dnd gas utilities and communications com panies 56 IPrb Sales In full Called Ex dividend i 1 rlhiition nshix Withmil warrant! With warrants wdWhen distributed wl When Issued Next day delivery In bankruptcy nr receivership or heina renrfiAnized under the Bankruptcy Ant or securities assumed bv such com oanles 32 49 49 MU 22'4 31'4 9'i 39 61'4 37'1 21 IMM 544 im 55'4 '4 3384 'J i 20156 422328 $288652085722 15'' 628 21 414 19 m0' 70' 17' 41 63 US Treasury Notes NI YORK Closing US TrM ury Notes bid and asked prices In dollars and thirty seconds and approximate yield iur iiiuisuay 56s 83 39'4 59'4 16' 43' '4 13 i 25 3'a4 'A 81 in 33 52 4' 4 8'4 a 15 30' 184 21 8'4 33'4 47'4 76 ao i 23 42 I 4 16 12 I 30 I 39 I 54 45 45 34 18 169 48 69 56 29 41 19 63 141 21 14 32 93 32 32 119lw 9 Eq 14 28 4 51 44 28 21 86 39 32'j 5'4 15 41 31 37 13 7 9 7 12 5 27 5 It 931 48' 53Mi 16 38'4 50 314 1 lilt 1034 19 (2 5b 13! 21 67 12'4 88 Con NGas 230 Conjoin coal 1 40 Consum Pw 2 60 Container 70g oot Air I Cont Bak 220 Coni Can J80 font ConRS 371 Cont Ins 2 20 nnt Mol 30g ont Oil 1110a Co Sil 160a ontroll Am 80 oop Bm 169 Coop 12g Conner Rng Coneland 1 Conw SI 2 Corn f20 Corning Gl 150a 66 18'4 35' IV IN' 18 48' 20 12' 50'4 50 5 42 115 72! 1 92 40'4 304 34S 37tl S6h 93 Via 1 1) 39 537'4 538U IM 113 48 26'4 174 28 1'12'4 3'' 55 36' 23'4 52'4 46'5 4C( 8 38'4 25' 41 71' 61'4 654 83 52 3" 2484 Wi 116 34 4 7 24 64 5 were depressed as were the nonferrous metals other than American Metals Climax and International Minerals Other groups were mixed The strong rails were led by Louis ville and Nashville up 2 )s to 56n American Stock Exchange sales were 1310000 shares against 870 thousand on Wed nesday a a 1 a 1 Corporation led in volume with 29400 shares and rose 2 Vs to 19 Studebaker Packard led the big hoard in activity with turnover of 160 thousand shares and fell to Brokers remarked that Wall Street enthusiasm for the stock was apparently un diminished but that the recent strong climb a little 6'' 64 1'ec 70 65 71 () 72 67 Jun 72 67 Sep 72 67 Dpc 74 85 75 43' 34 4 18 69 B'i 79 927 65 16 51 52'A Mgnuf I Morggn ur I Sec IgtNBk LA T'l Insurance Dreyfus 1759 1912 Eaton Ba! 1269 1371 Eaton Stk 1445 15 61 Elec Inv 725 792 Energy Equity ed Grth id Cap id und id Trend id Mut la la nd nk nk nk und Am und Inv 1044 1144 Gen Inves 7 06 767 GROUP SEC: Cap Gr Com St ul Ad Gen Bd Petrol Grth Ind Guardn Ham hr7 Ham hda Haydock Imp Cap Imp Inc nd I nr Incorp Inc 991 108j Incorp Inv 865 045 INST IT SHR 5 ound 12 OS 1118 47 14 84 34 36 30 19 22 75 10 12 51 44 24' 29 21 86 't 9 4 lit NLW YORK Natl Ann Securities Dealers IHC Bank A Trust 50 37 2 5 14' 40" 4 32'4 34 so5 51 43 17' 66 'a 15' 20'4 35' 42'1 17's 24' 34s Oldinl utlon Gillette startled the market in its early hours when direc tors proposed a three for one stock split paid the regular dividend and an 80 cent extra and proposed raising the an nual rate to $110 equivalent to $330 on the present stock which now pays $250 The stock jumped to a new high of 12734 and closed at 127 up 734 on the day The close was 40 points above 1961 low Safeway Stores rose 23g to 5914 The company will soon announce the terms of sale for its eastern division These are expected to be favorable The stock made a new 1961 high 228 1 22 84 y44 nva 1346 1472 1953 2123 1745 IRR6 1372 1483 19 26 2082 484 5 29 629 687 219 239 1250 1359 715 AbbottL 1 80a ABC Vend 50 AC Ind 250 AC IS b0 Acme Mi 30g AdamsEx 45 2 AdamsMilhs 72 Address 90b Admiral Acroquip 40b Air Control 32s Air Red 250 Af Indust Ala Ga si 60 Alvo Prod 40 Aldens L20b 'Mieg Alleg Alleg Aden Allied Miied Allied Allied Allied 17 1 21 23 18 81 21 31 19 56 Si mo Sinser Mf 2 Skelly OH 1 oniiin au Smith Cor Smith Duu Smith Sornnv 2 So Ain I5e So 150 So Jer Gas 110 So Sug Is Soeastn PS 92 SouLalEdis 2t0b SouihcrnCo 150 NOU Sou SOU Sou 1 81 278 259 295 344 377 369 360 375 3515 387 392 3 02 3 82 38 3 86 38 391 3 93 30 38 405 398 4 03 401 3 0'1 406 3 75 nunn uos jih mut ni Grwth 1193 1105 Nat WSec 2202 23 82 Vai Line Income 6 55 717 Nat Invea 16 73 1809 Vai LSpI 41) 41 41 17 59 25 24 45 55 25 21 25 63Ta 464 563 84 39 90 60 49 17 14 44 14 53 Bk of NY Banker Tr Chase Manh Them Pk NY rent III Chi Empire Tr "st Nat Bos at 16 os 16 3(114 8 27 Cp Va 120b 23 1733 19 9 21 2M 56 57' 22' 16' 21s 32s 73s M' 4 46 (1'4 11 64 '8'4 li 11 106 36' 'a 41 36'4 2nd 40 kuir All's not well 1 1 the swine industry in Denmark' Producers there are facing a quota system on all supplies sent to factories according to a report Heavy supplies and rising prices for young hogs have upset the home market following the removal of tar iffs on bacon exported to thC United i 0 Market prices have fallen in the UK Sows are putting in over Jw time in Denmark and the dustry faces'4 a surplus and even lower prices if the trend stopped A quota system of deliveries the report said1 would tie supplies to what producers shipped in 19G0 hard exports from the United States dropped sharply in the first half of 19GI com 'q pared with the same period of 1960 Shipments totaled 213 319000 lbs in 1961 down by about 129950000111s from the first half of I960 The United States Depart A ment of Agriculture last week reported the purchase of thousand lbs of ground for distribution to schools at prices ranging from 4000c lpr 4150c per lb The latest pur chases brought to 11 067 lbs the total amount of meat bought by USDA al a cost of $4625000 Nov Nov I Anr May Mmv Oct 1 1963 Nov 4 I96I Apr Xa 1961 Mnv 4 1R64 May 3 1964 Aur 5 19M Au s1 196 1 Oct 1 I9' 1 Nov 414 1961 Anr 1419'5 My 4 1965 Oct 1 I9(5 Apr 1 Uli'i Snhrf to ederal income taxes Bunk 4r Ship Benef Std Boston Ins Citizens Life Comw Life Conn Gen Cont Assur Contin Ca Crum nr EaRie IRE Employ Group Employ Rein ederal Ins id Bkr Lifa id Dep Hremd rinkiin llfe Gen Rcineur ene alls Ginh fie Nrn Govt Employ 121 Gnvi tfmn Life 115 ut Am ins Gulf llfe Ina Hanover Ins ire Hartf Boil Home Ine NY Home Owners ineur Cp Am Jeff Std Life Jer Ina hl Lawvera Title Liberty ife ife Assur idle Car Tenn llfe Ins Va Lincoln Nat Loyal Am llfe Maryland Cae Maia Indem 28 14' 55' 21' 58 ei i 11 35'160 590 ill'll 62' 0 21 32 74 25 20 43 Jacflcr Meh 45s Jfff Lak Jewel Tea 160 Johna Man 2 John! John 1 Jon Logan 70 250 Jorxensen 1 rnlColAUW 1 Youna AW lljt 2 23' 30 102' 28 186' SALLS Tmil 19 19 'A 3li 49 48s 10 lh 58' 32'4 26 bl 64 42 7 551 46' 21 III 424 57 33' 50 I2'4 3 50 26'4 84 'n 29'4 ut 422 25' 15 55 51'4 18S 114 IH 3J' II 4 1 Pac A Pac 2 80 PacCemAg 55g Pac IftT 114 Pac Tin 30a Packs Am 55a Pack Bell 12n Pan Am Sul 1 Pan AWAir 80 Panh PL 181) Panh EP LpH Param Pict 2 Parke Da la PeubodyCoal 48 Penn Dix 1 10 Penn I rt 60a Penney JC 120a Pennsalt 60a Pa GSand 1 Pa PwftLt 125 a R25e Peoples Drua 2 Peoples Gas 3 Pensl Cola 140 rerxin cam Pct Milk 1 Petrol co 82a Pfizer 60a Phelps 3 Phil Elec 120 lb Phllco Philip Mur 3 60 Phill Pel I 70 Pull Van II 1621 Pihsbuty 150 Piper Aire la PilncvHoW 72 PiKokciC I Pitf org 65g PilMetallu 45g G2 2(ib PitSleel Pittston Cn 1 20b iougn iic Plym Oil 50r Polaroid 2(1 Potom El Pw 140 PubSvCol 210 PubSvEAG 2 PubSvInd 2 20 PuuSdP4l 158 Pullman 2 PuiuOil 160 87 38 7 21 16 15 17 91 5l 28'4 lVa 43 49 5 35 4 36 224 A 171 It 1 35 77 2 SW 2l) 4 30" Jis 3O' 5 55 B' 9i 43 77 4 103 I 40'4 27 60 39 72s '4 4 70' 42' 1 9 W'4 is 19' 24' a 3o 104' 32 17 i 26 64 42 55 46 21 18 80 48 Bid i 392 89 82 Tr U6 3M 101 50 49 24 44 4n R7 51 29 27 13 34 44 65 51 fiR RR 23 2i 47 4: 40 115 49 26 Laclede Gan Lane Bry 1 Lear 40 Lee LeeRona 50 Lehigh Lth Port Leh Vai Ind i Vid Lehmnn E71g 0 Lerner Str 140 LO GIasi 2 40a 40 v5 Lily Tulip 1 lem link Belt Lionel Litton Ind RCA lh Rtud1luUie Huiku 80 Raym hit Ravnnier filih Raytheon 1121 Reath nx Co Ked Owl LG0 Reed BH Rcev Bro 50 Ketch vn RelUn Reban Renuh Renub Cnro 00 Repub St 3 Reveie 2 Revlon 110 Rex Drug 50b Reyn Met 60 Hey lob 3 Rey lob Rheem MlhodeMun 03g Rich Merrell 1 Richfid Gil 10 Riegel Pap I Ritter Co 0 Roan Ant lit Rnh ulton 75 ROch 180b Rl 18 13 ir I Un Tel 140 54 Un Tel rt 1970 AUK I ZU 1 20 Stl 3 Oh 4 HI Gt Wpt 75 rf rhl Pneu E20a Chi 10 Chick Cot 50g Chock 40 Chrysler la Cm 150 rm Mil 160 CT inan 280 rifle Svc 240 City Invest 50b City Prod 130b City Str 45g (lark Equip 120 Clcv CHI L49a Cev Td 2 Clevite E20 A (Juett Pea 150g ora Cola 2 40 Coca Bot NY I Palm 120a roll Aik 120 Collins Rad Colo ir CBS 140b Colu mGa 110 Col Pict 62p ol arb 2 40 OhEl 2 Comb En 120 Coml red 160 Com! Solv 60b Comw Ed 2b Ccmw Ed (omntomet Conde Nast Cone Mills 80 Congoleum on on con Con Con Con 7 2l 20 25 4 Idaho III Cent 2 Ill Pw 2 20 Indiana Gen 0 Indoh 190 Ind El Mex 40? In? Rand 3a Inland Stl 1 60 Inspir Cot) I 50g Infrrrhem 40 Intprhik Ir 10 IntRuaMch 2 40 IntHurv 2 40 InlHarV pf 7 IntMlnr 1 60 int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Inf Sfr JnterUW 93 24 ova I I I 80 I mwa II i wo Iowa 10i CrkGoal L50 LIE Ckt Brk 15d 50 D' 65 55 26 5 30 4 24 3 4 8 39 25 39 41 1 75 15 3b i 1 38 6' Money and Exchange Omaha bank clearings Thursday S39 969 28853 ssme day Inst year 513 0 18998 06 39H 82 29'i si 32' 5' 54'r 25 13 23 usl 504 38 4 69 53' 15! 2l)J 29' 25" 1113 S' 731'4 19' CP 46'5 48 20' i 59" 41'5 62' 22 28' 29 69s 21s 29 20 42s 55' 47 45 11'5 so 87s 53 5W 6W 133 90 By Burton Crane New York Times Service New Trading senti ment reversed itself in mid course in stock market and the strong gains made before 2 pm were missing at the close More stocks rose than fell and the various market aver ages disagreed The New York Times combined average of 50 stocks closed at 39196 down 068 point on the day and down 871 points on the month to date The rail aver age rose 043 points to 10677 and the industrial average fell 180 points to 67716 The most attention compell ing decline in the market was that by Texas Instruments Inc which slipped 834 to 110)4 after making a new 1961 low at IIOI4 The 1961 high was 2063 Analysts gave a number of possible reasons for the drop One was the generally un profitable state of the transis tor industry which is running into problems of competition Steels had general but frac tional losses save in National and Jones Laughlin which fell more han a point each Chemicals and 1 onics Kelsey Hay 1 80g Kendall 1 20 Kenneeott 375g hern Ld 2 40 Kerr McGee 0 Klmh Clk 180b King Seel 1 KLM Au I 69g hoppers 2 iKorvcqa Kresge SS Kress SH hnwhler Kroger 1 10 KVP Sum 1 Nat Nat Nut Nat Tea 0 Nat ThAsfirT 1 Mt Nat Vul ib 120 I nainmas Nauiec Cn 1 Neisner 30g Neptune 60g Newberry 2 New Ena El 1 OS Newmont 240 Newpt Sh 1 60a NY Air Brk 160 YCential NY 2 viNY NY Shipbd NYSta 130 Nia Pw 180 Nias Shr 120 Nonco Ch lb 4a Norris Th SO No Am AV 2 No Am Car 140 No Am Coal 0 Nor Gas 150 No Gas nf580 2 17 5S 20 IR 56 44 1 39 JhZ 41 si '5 5'iw 23 'D'' 422 2 25 15 fkdvanceseclmes inchanged i nrni New 1061 highs New 19bl lows 17 49 3 34 33 5 43 93 sc 49 5j1 22'5 104 19 Hudson Shows Profit New York (AP) Net in come of $277616 on sales of $1704000 was earned in the three months ended August 31 Hudson Vitamin Products Inc reported Thursday It was equal to 33 cents a share No comparisons were available Sept 18 196! Balance 4226655008 Deposits iscal Year July 16745 215794 Withdrawals iscal Year 23578569 982 Total rf'btxt233407127655 Gold Assets )7 45J 274 371 Includes $142 409 131 to statutory limit 60 43363 39 49 263 183 10U14 51 3 49 R7 66 38 75 78 1 62 4t 23 74 1 40 6 t) Approx inal Previous Day Week Ago Month Ago ear Aun Two Years Ao Jan 1 to Date 19)0 to Date 1959 to Date wilta flauies arc tinoff Id mj Rides nt dividends In the foregoing table are annual disburarmenti based on ihr last quarterly nr xemLannua Iderlara tkn Lnlgaa otherwise noted special nr extra dividends are not Included Also extras Annual rate plus stock dividend Declare dor uin 1061 lus fork dividend Paid Insl year Payable in stnrk during estimate dcnah value nn exdivdimd 01 ex disf nbtpinn date Declared cr rM so lar this year Dcrred nr paid alter stock nr enlli un De clared nr paid this veer an acrumulaitve Issue with dividends In arrears thia year dividend omitted deferred nr no arttnn taken fti last dividend meeting Declared or raid In 1900 plus atnrk dividend Payabla In stork durine I960 estimated cash value on ex dividend or date Liquidating divi dend 45 34 18 16 IP 46 Ua 48 67 4DV 1 s3 2s 41 '4 62s 141 2i 11'5 "i 32 14 18 47 42 83 29 104 12 47 36 52 11 21 145 72 34 39 41 23 38 41' 4G livestock and meat world: Imports of meats by the United States fell sharply in July according to the Na tional Provisioner business publication of the packing in dustry Arrivals for the month amounted to 49466055 lbs compared with 93853448 lbs in June The figure was also well below the July I960 fig ure of 66709493 lbs magazine said practi cally all of the nations ship ping meat to the United States cut down sharply their expoits to this country dur ing the month Australia us ually the largest supplier re duced her shipments to 12 814502 lbs from 29035146 lbs in June and 25976641 lbs in July 1960 New Zealand contributed 3385242 lbs down drastical ly from the 24792821 lbs in June and 14243133 lbs a year ago Biggest Since 58'5 5 8't 18'5 814 30'5 78s 76 41'5 35 31'' 5 Li 35 sou 40 29'5 25s 1 11': i 31 17 38 34 14 i 30 I 6D I 8 120 I 23 29 Wasner Waldorf Sys R0 Walgreen 1 fiOb Walker 1 60a Wall Tjfrn 80 Walworth Ward Bak Ward Ind Warn Pic 120 Warner Co I Warn lam 150a Wash Gas 24 Wash Wat 2 Waukesha 2 Way Knit 2 Wefhilt Co 10a Ky Coal UVa Pulp 120 wn Wn Vn Bancorp I Wn Mary 180 wn Wn Vr Mtg Wrstp Wheel Whirl Cn 140 Uhtia Mot 2 wnno i Wilcox Oil lb Wilson Co 160 Wtlann Jon 1 Windsor 30d Wmn Dix Wis El Pw 10 Wise Sv J40 Woodwd Ir 1 go Woolwnrih 250 Worthington 250 Wrialev 3a Wyun Wor 30? Stocks In the Spotlight NW VflRK Saks rinsing and net change of the fifteen most active stocks traded on the NY Slock Exchange i nursday Stude Pack San Diego Imp Gen Motors ord Motor Brunswick Sand Oil NJ Aven Corn Am Motors hrysler Std KollsmanGen Electric (Hen Alden On Texas Inst Burroughs 53 8 13 57 22 51 16 37 33 234 1 9 28 18 7608 23 23 42 19 GO 28 28 19 19 23 56 38 794 30 18 13 4797 25 33 15 15 26 163 24 130 3 2 281 20 120 11 69 8 in Seating 160 3 ShipBd 112f 3 Smelt 150g 21 Smelt pf 7 1330 oOArric zug din au Stld 10 Storts 2b Sugar 160a Sug pfl75 TelTel 3 60 Tob 280 Lob pfb Viscose 2 Wks 1 zinc turn Pine 30 Dir" 9 4GI 4b 42 7 62' 22 21 28 29 21 31 2't 73 43' 4 45 6 11'5 Il' 9 14 3 2 fl 21 7 4 31 111'5 4 12' 25 ii 64' i 40 8'4 10' 78'471 I 87 21 12(4 69 23 24 33 91 1 64 46 43 51 25 nJ 54 51 54 4 43 43 43 8 i 10 1 44 4 10 32 23 38 US Treasury Position dept in 4451543 201 24 78 29 14 57 46 37' 34'1 264 2'Z 2155 32 46 72 27 18 31 56 38'4 6 42 36 42 23 18 22 38 5fi 1001 9918 I00lt 99 3 9828 908 10 I 976 fU4 922 0820 9928 90 28 1012 101 90 4 90 8828 878 87 87 4 99 20 J02 16100 IH 24 88 16 88 Ifi 90 88 28 Is 95 8516 98 88 'JR prcri quoted In dollars and thiity aecnr Partially tax exempt I 1 15 Accept Convairs New York (AP) American 'Airlines Thursday agreed to accept partial delivery on an order for 25 Convair 990 jet air transports despite their failure so far to measure up to speed specifications Under a new contract with General Dynamics Corpora tion 15 Convairs with a speed of at least 584 miles per hour will be placed in service start ing in ebruary 1962 It was agreed that these would later be modified to reach 610 miles per hour Dow Jones stock averases: uuw 703 43 143 00 120 55 236 07 37 44 51 21 23 10 21 51 15 86 30' 30 106 82 31 60 6 5 16 3D3 41 21 36 26 15 77 38 61 50 in 8 76 49 is 1 1 35 '5 21 50 42 5 'a 50 26 '4 '4 io 23 6' 4H 36 J04 2 SO 6531'5 7 Variable AB Life H1' Wcsyjiest 36 M't i i nta na 7124 7025 7056 0333 44 329S 331910 6160 6668 lOR'a 19'4 '4 I1 4 28 83'5 28'a 46 10 8 55 1I' 30 1' 9'4 27 A 11'4 '4 71'4 37' 15 23 116 3 1 so 7)' 56 4i 4 94 31 35'4 '4 100'5 4a1 106" 82'4 5 21Htk 14'14 46 4 Mi Mil Il Odd Lot Transactions New York The New York Stock Exchnnse reported thee a odd Int transactions bv principal deajrrsj) for Sept 20: purchases of 271320 shares: sales of 258187 shares Includ ing 3529 shares sold short 35'A 8 28'4 102' 15' 28'4 5(i'4 41s 254 52'A 4li'5 mJ 1 2'J 79 24 27'4 iW 150 40s 6855 'a 28s 56 'a 1142' 28 2915 43 534 HI? 52 214 111' is 21'4 25s 51' 69 60'5 55 14s 65' is' 45" 1'4 91' 44 2'' 25'j 49 65 55'4 ll 4n'2 78 IV 5 25' 54 16 36'4 29 23s 52 18'4 54'5 39'5 60 42 70 H155 1381 20 50' 12 Trrasuiy howls and yield lot 100 1 9920 10018 995 99 9612 100 8 9710 98 8 93 I 9821 100 26'4 '4 82'4 8 18 28 102'4 351 'J 65' 41H '4 ci J1 32 32 77 544 53'i 64'4 II 15954 155 354 4l( 4J Building 2 21 f9 11 1 23 57 1 19 39 fi0 4 12 40 1fi 47 37 25 15 By Joe Uhlarik 1 19G0 and 37 per cent over the Notes from around the 10i0 59 average In the fall bCUBUIl Ul 1994 101(11 01 thousand sows were farrowed 't' 11 41 12 4fi 5 56 6 nl Wei! Eq 377 4 12 Well 7 84 WhHehl 6 63 Wmfield 12 311 43 51 fifi 2i 4H 47 Land Bank Bonds NEW YORK Closing ederal Land Aetna Aetna Ins Aetna Life Agrliltiiral A mEfluit Am lo Cai Am Lid Cvt Am id Life Am Gen Ins Am Hsrilaae Am Horae AssUf Am Ins NJ Am Investors Cp Am Mercury Am Ins talf fiankerVW Life 4 23'4 '4 kp 18' JOO 23 '4' 1294 254 33? 50 16 4219 "I lV 60'4 '3B 68 20H 15 191 42 17 16' US Securities NEW YORK MP) Clnsmg over the counter ua unvernmem hid asked net change i nurwaxy 2 s6l 2i 62 59 Jun 2s 65C0 2s 62 59 Dec 3s 64 2s 65 GG a a4 66 3s 66 2S K7 G2 3s 67 3f jx 68 63 2x 69 64 Jan 4fl 69 53 36'4 117 59'4 65' I' 34's 115 57'5 Is jo 16 17 Spurs US Bonds New York (AP) Govern ment and corporate bonds moved sharply higher over a broad front Thursday Best gains were made by long range United States Government bonds and in vestment quality corporate liens Strength in long term issues was attributed to continuing reaction to the recent advance refunding operation which the department called a big success Instead of attracting ac ceptances from holders two billion dollars to $2500 000000 in 2 per cent bonds maturing in 1970 71 the exchange program drew bids from holders of $3 700000000 who were anx ious to swap them for Ss due in 1980 1990 and 1998 25 31 I 20 9 16 17 19 7 7 6 31 24 7 ST 71 3 0 4 1 39 3 I 46 18 70 19 19 81 94 4 21 II 30 4 6 7 18 41 19 Z20 I 1 It it I yl 1 1 VS 'r I VJ hr I nJ 1 ii i nA I ll i IV 4i I I fn A I I A 4 A P'a I A 1 4 1 160000 12 61 400 14 59700 4S 55900 104 40700 59 35700 44 29 200 2328 100 18 27600 56 27200 30 27000 74 23700 13 23000 26 21400 110 21ZJ00 30 99 28 10011 10013 256 100 17 100 19 246 j0Ofl 100 8 259 DU 10 H9I4 2 56 100 21 100 21 2i 101 1018 )00 5 1007 3 no 9822 08 26 274 10022 ion 24 3 07 i JOO 4 100 8 306 99 6 99 8 316: 9716 9720 3 11 i 101 1012 333 99 27 9929 33 96 18 9622 32! 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Omaha World-Herald from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)


How to read Omaha World-Herald online? ›

Go to to create your account. Fill in your information to verify your subscription. Click on “Today's E-edition” to start enjoying these great benefits.

Why are people moving to Omaha? ›

In Omaha, you can enjoy the perks of a larger city (think: thriving business scene, vibrant nightlife and plenty of entertainment options), without the high price tag. The cost of living in Omaha is 8% lower than the national average, and the Penny Hoarder recently named it one of the best cities for millennials.

How many people read the Omaha World-Herald? ›

Omaha World-Herald
CountryUnited States
Circulation58,514 Daily 63,319 Sunday (as of 2023)
OCLC number1585533
8 more rows

How much is the Omaha World-Herald online? ›

$0.99 for one month - renews at $9.95 per month

Digital subscription includes unlimited use of, apps for smartphones and tablets, mobile websites and the ePaper. You can cancel at any time by contacting our Customer Solutions Center at 1-800-234-6942.

Can I read the Herald Sun online? ›

Download or update to the latest version of the Herald Sun app in the App Store or Google Play. Login with your digital subscription details. Tap 'Today's Paper' in the bottom centre of your screen.

Is Omaha growing or Shrinking? ›

The City of Lincoln grew 0.8% to nearly 295,000 people. But the City of Omaha continued a three-year population decline, according to the estimates, with a 0.4% dip last year to 483,335 residents.

Is Omaha a cheap place to live? ›

Omaha offers a lower cost of living than many other major U.S. cities. The job market is strong and diverse, with opportunities in healthcare, finance, technology, and more. It's an easy place to live in. And you can probably afford to buy a home.

What percent of Omaha is in poverty? ›

12.5% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Omaha, NE (59.7k out of 478k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is lower than the national average of 12.5%. The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 25 - 34, followed by Females 18 - 24 and then Males 18 - 24.

What is the largest daily newspaper in Nebraska? ›

The award winning Omaha World-Herald is Nebraska's largest newspaper, and delivers to more readers in the metro area than any other local newspaper.

What is Omaha real name? ›

The word Omaha (actually Umoⁿhoⁿ or Umaⁿhaⁿ) in the Omaha language means "Upstream People" or "Against the Current". In 1804 the Lewis and Clark Expedition passed the riverbanks where the city of Omaha would be built.

What is Omaha best known for? ›

Omaha is known around the country as one of the best sources for steak. This is mostly due to the fact that beef is Nebraska's single largest industry, and Omaha has been the country's meatpacking center since the 1950s.

Where is the Omaha World-Herald headquarters? ›

Omaha World-Herald, 1314 Douglas St, Ste 1500, Omaha, NE - MapQuest.

Does Lee Enterprises own Omaha World-Herald? ›

For the first time in its 135-year history, the Omaha World-Herald will soon no longer be under local ownership, one of the results of Warren Buffett's decision to get out of the newspaper business.

How old is the Omaha World-Herald? ›

Founded in 1885 by Gilbert M. Hitchco*ck, the Omaha World-Herald provides news, commentary, information and advertising that encourages readers to become involved in the world around them.

How to read Herald premium? ›

If you missed this step when you purchased in the app, you can link your subscription following the below steps:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Tap the 'Profile' icon in the bottom navigation.
  3. When the Profile screen opens Sign in if you haven't already, then scroll down to the Premium section.
  4. Tap 'Link Premium Account'

How to read daily nation online? ›

If not please click on register.
  1. Fill in your details and click Register.
  2. After registering, you will be asked to Sign in. Login and click the 'Read' button for Daily Nation to. read the paper.

What time is the Omaha World-Herald delivered? ›

Our goal is to complete all home delivery by 6:30 a.m. on weekdays and by 7 a.m. on weekends. Some homes receive the paper earlier than that.

How often is the Omaha World-Herald published? ›

A: Omaha World-Herald Online Edition is your news delivered to your desktop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at The Online Edition includes the news content published daily in both editions of the Omaha World-Herald newspaper.


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 6304

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.